Implementing the RefWorks HTML widget
The RefWorks© HTML widget is a default widget that you can include to help your patrons who use Refworks to create a citation with a single-click from the search results or a detail display. When implemented, the RefWorks widget inserts a Cite This button in detail display, the My List display or the search result display. When a patron chooses the button, a citation management service pulls the bibliographic information from the record. The widget was created to work with RefWorks initially, but you can modify it to work with other citation management services, such as EndNote® or ProCite®.
Before converting the RefWorks HTML widget to a different service, copy the widget so you have a copy of the original code to fall back on or to use for other citation management services. |
In order for you to implement the RefWorks widget, you will need to make some changes to the HTML and JavaScript portions of the widget. The changes include defining your RefWorks account and mapping your library's material types to the RefWorks format tags. To find a list of Material Types available in your system, try checking the list of Display Codes for the Material Type field (for more information, see Managing display codes). Otherwise, you can find a list of Material Types in the ILS and detailed in step 5 below. For more information, see the Reference Type Indicator Tag section of Refworks Tagged Format.
To use the RefWorks HTML widget to display the Electronic Location and Langauge fields in the Search Result Display, you must activate them for the Search Result Display in Edit Search Field (for more information, see Adding or editing a search field). |
To implement the RefWorks HTML widget
- Log in to the Admin console.
- Choose Displays.
- Choose HTML Widgets, then choose Edit HTML Widget for the RefWorks HTML widget.
Update the Custom JavaScript with your library's RefWorks account ID:
- In the line for refworksFormUrl, replace "$VENDOR_NAME" with your library's RefWorks account ID.
In the Custom JavaScript box, map your libraries material types to RefWorks' format tags.
Find a list of the material types used in your system:
- For Symphony systems, you can find the format type codes used in the system in the Item Type Wizard in your Symphony ILS.
- For Horizon systems, you can find the format type codes in the Item Circulation Types table in your Horizon ILS.
- In the section for ITYPE, find the enterpriseToRefworksValueMap object.
Add a case for each material type that your system uses.
Note: The JavaScript for the widget includes samples of mapped material types.
If your library has any additional search fields in Enterprise that can be mapped to RefWorks fields, configure those additional field mappings within the refworksFieldMapping object. The widget contains comments that can help you.
- If you add a new search field to these mappings, you should include it as a search field configured for the widget and make that search field usable on both the Search Result Display and the Detail Display.
- The widget field configurations only work for the ILS. For EDS results, a field is only added to RefWorks if the field is shown on the display.
- When you have finished, choose OK.